Denken jullie dat Vine nog interessant is als transfer nu hij een goed klassement mag vergeten? Eventueel voor winst in bergritten? Of zien jullie hem vooral in dienst van Almeida rijden?
Well, there’s no two ways about it. I saw today going differently in my mind, and that was not how I wanted it to go.I just got way too cold, simple as that, I think that was the coldest I’ve ever gotten, I was miserable. Complete loss of feeling in the fingers and the body didn’t respond well to it. Yeah, I had a small off, but that was a stationary crash, (I just came to a halt and fell over on the slippery part). That wasn’t a problem, the actual damage was me freezing to the core. Just one of those days where everyone freezes.The boys dropped back to help me, and we rolled turns holding the gap for a bit there, but not long after the body had nothing left, we made the tough call and just rolled in. Yes, obviously I’m disappointed, but at the end of the day, it’s not the end of the world. And there are more opportunities to come.
Ik overweeg hem nog maar wacht nog een zwaardere rit af om in te schatten of die nog ritten kan winnen.
Vine na de rit:
Well, there’s no two ways about it. I saw today going differently in my mind, and that was not how I wanted it to go. I just got way too cold, simple as that, I think that was the coldest I’ve ever gotten, I was miserable. Complete loss of feeling in the fingers and the body didn’t respond well to it. Yeah, I had a small off, but that was a stationary crash, (I just came to a halt and fell over on the slippery part). That wasn’t a problem, the actual damage was me freezing to the core. Just one of those days where everyone freezes. The boys dropped back to help me, and we rolled turns holding the gap for a bit there, but not long after the body had nothing left, we made the tough call and just rolled in. Yes, obviously I’m disappointed, but at the end of the day, it’s not the end of the world. And there are more opportunities to come.
Ik had hem er al in gedaan voor ganna.. gelukkig nog 3 transfers
Maar mss is het een zegen dat hij op 13 min staat.. vrijheid voor ritzege en trui? En kan zo mss nog top 10 inkopen maybe.
We zullen zien, ik denk niet dat vine zich helemaal moet offeren voor almeida.