Hi, I'm looking for a part-time job as an office administrator or receptionist, as I need a flexible job that I can combine with my studies. I already have experience with customer service and am confident with computer programs, but I'm not quite sure where to start looking for a suitable vacancy. Are there agencies that specialize in temporary or part-time employment for students? I want to find a reliable job agency that can help with finding part-time work for these types of roles, while also offering the opportunity to work part-time or in shifts. What is the best way to look for such jobs, and does anyone have any successful experience with such agencies?
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Hi! I’ve been in a similar situation, and I found that going through a job agency helped me a lot. You might want to check out resources like Balancing career and community engagement for useful tips on how to manage work and personal growth. Also, I had success with jobssite when looking for part-time roles. They offer various flexible options that could fit your schedule.
Hi. I had a similar situation and going to a job agency was my best solution. So I can recommend this job agency https://jobssite.ca/ . Of course, I was looking for a part-time office job, but they offered me several options, including a temporary job as a laborer in an automobile factory. It wasn't exactly what I originally wanted, but the conditions were good and the 2-shift schedule suited me. I worked at the plant for about a year and got the needed experience. It gave me an idea of what kind of jobs I would be interested in. So I recommend trying them out, they have a lot of different options, even if you're primarily considering a job as an administrator.